
If you are skilled in a particular trade and want to acquire permanent residency in Canada, the Federal Skilled Trades Program is right for you. The FSTP is managed by the Express Entry Immigration System. It is an opportunity for foreign trade workers in legitimate trade occupations and with minimum work experience to immigrate to Canada.

The entire application process is quite hectic. But, our eminent consultants at Western Immigration are here to make things simpler for you. From determining your eligibility to handling the cumbersome paperwork, we take care of all.

What Are The Requirements Of The FSTP?

You are required to meet certain criteria to be eligible for this program such as:

Minimum Requirements

  • Language proficiency in English or French based on the Canadian Language Benchmark
  • A full-time job offer from Canada for at least a year
  • A minimum work experience of 2 years in the last 5 years
  • Proof of financial stability

Skilled Work Experience

  • Major Group 72- Industrial, construction and electrical trades
  • Major Group 82- Technical and supervisor jobs in natural resources, production and agriculture
  • Minor Group 632- Cooks and chefs
  • Minor Group 633- Bakers and butchers

This is just a glimpse of the skilled trade experience required to apply for this program. Connect with us to know more about the eligibility criteria.


The Federal Skilled Trades Program doesn’t consider education mandatory. But, you can get extra points and improve your rank amidst the Express Entry applications. Have a word with our proficient immigration consultants to know more about the educational requirements.

Connect With Western Immigration for Faster FSTW Application Processing

We are the right people to guide you through the Federal Skilled Trades Worker program seamlessly. Our team has the experience and knowledge required to make your Canadian dream come true.

The benefits of connecting with us are:

Authorized representatives

  • Affordable service charges
  • 99% success rates
  • Updated technologies
  • Unmatched quality customer support

What are you waiting for? Book your appointment today with one of the superior consultants for the FSTW program.